RE: [counter-styles] i18n-ISSUE-285: Hebrew number converter inadequate for numbers >= 1000

On October 30, 2013 Tab Atkins wrote :
The Hebrew system was originally defined this way, as a custom system, as it can't be reasonably represented in the current algorithms the way you describe.  I was told by another Hebrew speaker (Aryeh Gregor) that the form the spec currently specifies, with repeated tavs, is acceptable.
I could do the geresh-based system up to 10999 without too much trouble (I just include the geresh in the "digit" for the thousands or 10k digit), but going past that becomes untenable (it requires me to define digits for 11k, 12k, etc.).  To handle this, I'd need to add a new feature for group separators, which isn't currently required for any other language (though it might be nice for some, like English numerals).
<end of quote>

If the Hebrew system is only used for numbering list items, the whole issue is moot, since I cannot see any list growing over a few hundreds items.
For a more general numbering, the main (maybe only) use of the Hebrew numbering is for dates. I don't agree with Aryeh Gregor that using repeated tavs is acceptable. To give an equivalence, it is as acceptable as formulating Gregorian years in binary notation (2013 = 11111011101, which is only 11 digits as compared to 17 letters to write the current Hebrew year with the current algorithm).
However, considering that the current Hebrew year is 5774, providing support up to 10999, as Tab Atkins suggests, should be enough for quite some time :-)

Shalom (Regards),  Mati

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 07:09:55 UTC