Re: A dedicated property to clear descendant floats (was: Proposal for "overflow:clip" for stronger painting isolation)

On 10/18/13 1:28 PM, "Marat Tanalin" <> wrote:

>18.10.2013, 19:48, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
>> Getting a container element to contain its floats has been addressed
>> directly in the Sizing spec, though it hasn't gotten implementation
>> yet.  You can set "min-height: contain-floats;" to make it work:
>> <>.
>`min-height: contain-floats` looks somewhat interesting, but what if a
>web developer needs for an element to have both self-clearing _and_ some
>numeric `min-height`?

I can't really see such a practical case. The whole point of clearing
floats is to let the floats define your min-height. The min-height become
that of the children elements.

Received on Saturday, 19 October 2013 01:17:17 UTC