Re: [css-shapes] Functional Notation

On 10/4/13 10:22 AM, "Alan Stearns" <> wrote:

>On 10/4/13 12:53 AM, "Dirk Schulze" <> wrote:
>>The circle function could be
>>    circle(<r> [ <cx> <cy>? ]?)
>>And to get back to Francois' proposal with width, height, contain and
>>    circle([ <rx> | width | height | cover | contain ] [ <cx> <cy>? ]?)
>>which allows things like
>>    circle(cover)
>>    circle(width 50% 0%)
>>    circle(50px)
>I think this works. Here's my proposal: we take the change above for
>circles and ellipses, but otherwise keep the arguments to the current
>shape functions as they are (minus the commas). We don't yet have a
>pattern to follow that includes all of the rectangular arguments, and
>changing some of the current functions to use
>gradient/border/background-inspired syntax would not include polygon().
>I'd rather keep the current set as consistent as possible.

I've updated the editor's draft with these changes, except I've kept the
x, y, then radius ordering for better consistency for the first four
functions. Please review for typos and bad assumptions.

>However, once we define a way to include border-radius in the border
>shorthand, then we would have a rectangle pattern to follow. At that point
>we could introduce a new shape() function that used
>gradient/border/background syntax. Gradients already have 'circle' and
>'ellipse' keywords, so the new function could use gradient/border syntax
>directly, and accommodate whatever future extensions we define.
>shape(ellipse at center)
>shape(circle farthest corner at 50% 50%)
>shape(rectangle top left 50% 50% round 2em 1em 4em / 0.5em 3em)

Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 23:09:00 UTC