[css-shapes] interpolation update - ready for LC again?

Hey all,

I've updated the interpolation section [1] of CSS Shapes and added
'Animatable' lines to the propdef tables. This is the last of the changes
I think were required from TPAC decisions, so I think the draft is ready
for last call again.

In summary, if you're interpolating between <basic-shape> functions, the
functions need to be the same shape, use the same reference box, and avoid
keywords that have no interpolation defined. If all of these strictures
apply, then you interpolate between the function parameters as a simple
list of length, percentage or calc. But I've added one additional rule
that allows interpolation between identical keywords. So 'circle(3em at
top left)' can interpolate with 'circle(6em at top left)'



[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-shapes/#basic-shape-interpolation

Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 00:26:46 UTC