Re: [css-values] The length unit 'Q' (quarter of millimeter)

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Felix Miata <> wrote:
> The pt unit no longer exists except in old browsers, Konqueror when
> configured to use the KHTML engine, or any other browser that may exist that
> uses the KHTML engine.

Yes it does.

> Pt for quite some time has been a synonym for px in
> Blink, Gecko, Trident and WebKit.

No it's not.  1pt = 4/3px.  In easier terms, 12pt == 16px.

Try this in any browser you want:

<!DOCTYPE html>
div { height: 20px;border: 1px solid; }
div:nth-child(1) { width: 12pt; }
div:nth-child(2) { width: 16px; }

> There is a workaround that can work in Gecko browsers, which provide the
> mozmm unit for those who need or want absolute units that render physical
> dimensions accurately on accurately configured displays.
> It is unfortunate that web pages dependent on absolute units must now append
> instructions that intended use of a page requires use of an old, Gecko or
> KHTML browser, or even a particular operating system to run it, to be able
> to do what it was originally designed to do, and worked well enough before
> the retirement of absolute units.

Please do not attempt to hijack this thread with discussion of physical units.


Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 20:39:56 UTC