Re: CSS 3 UI test 004

On 11/07/2013 01:52 PM, Daniel Glazman wrote:

>     If the <id> refers to the currently focused element, the directional
>     navigation input respective to the nav- property is ignored — there
>     is no need to refocus the same element.
> But test 004 checks that the focus remains on the same element in that
> case, which is not the expected behaviour according to the above...

I would assume that the "no need to refocus" is about focus events. If 
directional navigation *input* (e.g. left arrow keypress in this case) 
is ignored, then there won't be any focus change (same as if the key 
were not pressed in the first place).

Øyvind Stenhaug
Opera Software ASA

Received on Thursday, 7 November 2013 18:58:06 UTC