Re: [css3-fonts] Fragment IDs for container font formats

fantasai wrote:

>    #  If a container format lacks a defined fragment identifier scheme,
>    # implementations should use a simple 1-based indexing scheme (e.g.
>    # "font-collection#1" for the first font, "font-collection#2" for
>    # the second font).
> This makes a lot of sense, however I have a couple questions:
>    - Is should rather than must intentional?
>    - What if the format does not define an ordering of the fonts?

This wording was added because people were wondering how to handle the
loading of TrueType Collections, a packaging format commonly used for
CJK fonts that share glyphs across a set of fonts.  I'm not really
sure this is necessary which is why I didn't want to put in strict
guidelines.  If this needs to be tightened we can do that when actual
implementations exist for this feature.



Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 03:08:57 UTC