Re: [css3-text] should 'tab-size' be in spaces or '0' characters?

On 03/24/2013 09:58 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
> defines a 'tab-size'
> property taking an integer to be multiplied by the advance width of
> the space (U+0020) character.
> However,
> defines the 'ch' unit as using the advance width of the '0' (U+0030)
> character, which I believe was the result of implementation
> experience that '0' produced good results for sizing in proportional
> fonts, and made no difference in monospace fonts.  (I think that
> implementation experience related specifically to sizing of text
> inputs.)
> Should 'tab-size' instead use the '0' width rather than the ' '
> width?  I think I would prefer such a change.

Given that current behavior in pretty much every tool I've ever used
is to define tabs as exact multiples of the space character, regardless
of whether a monospace or proportional font is used, I think this would
be a bad change to make.

Let me know if you disagree. :)


Received on Saturday, 11 May 2013 02:03:31 UTC