Re: [css3-syntax] Consumation of comment tokens during tree construction

Le 28/01/2013 08:54, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
>>> One possible answer is that it's the job of the serializer to insert a
>>> >>comment token if asked to serialize the sequence DIMENSION IDENT, whether
>>> >>or not we strip out comment tokens.
>> >
>> >I'm thinking of going this way.  The list of preserved tokens is small
>> >and should rarely grow, so it's easy to plot out the handful of
>> >problematic cases that need a comment inserted between them if there's
>> >no whitespace.  I think it's just:
>> >
>> >hash or at-rule followed by number, ident, dimension, or a function.
>> >number, ident, and dimension in any combination.
>> >number, ident, or dimension followed by a function.
>> >ident followed by (.
> Done.  I might still be missing some of the delim cases, and I'm going
> to try and trim down some of the existing ones.

There is one instance of "at-rule token". Should be "at-keyword token".

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 08:42:31 UTC