- From: John Daggett <jdaggett@mozilla.com>
- Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:01:20 -0800 (PST)
- To: www-style list <www-style@w3.org>
During last week's telcon a point was brought up about the event handler attributes in the FontLoader interface [1]: > smfr: I'm a little confused > smfr: why is this on the font loader interface? > smfr: the modern way is to do addEventListener > smfr: I'm unsure why you need all the 'on-' attributes on this font interface > jdaggett: I need to think about that > smfr: I haven't seen this pop up on modern APIs lately so don't know if it > makes sense > glazou: I agree with Simon > <Ms2ger> Modern APIs like WebSocket? > http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/network.html#the-websocket-interface > > florian: in isolation John's proposal makes sense but if it's different > from everything on the platform maybe not > florian: we need a broader debate to discuss > dino: it should be possible to base this on the XHR interface > dino: it would be a single call like addEventListener with the event type > dino: the current proposal is halfway in between of the 2 worlds > <Ms2ger> XHR: http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#xmlhttprequesteventtarget > <smfr> Ms2ger: i see 'onfoo' is used there, so maybe it's ok here > <Ms2ger> The majority of new APIs do have onfoo, AFAICT > <dino> Yeah, I misunderstood this to be *starting* font loads, rather > than querying As I understand it, several people are wondering why the FontLoader interface includes explicit event handler attributes, rather than simply defining a set of events to be used with addEventListener (the current draft defines both) [2]: attribute EventHandler onloading; attribute EventHandler onloadingdone; attribute EventHandler onloadstart; attribute EventHandler onload; attribute EventHandler onerror; I think the assertion here is that "modern" interfaces don't include event handler attributes. However, based on discussions with others at Mozilla, I don't think that's really true. As ms2ger pointed out on IRC, recent API's *do* include these (e.g. XHR, WebSocket, FileReader, IndexedDB) and in general they improve "developer ergonomics". Another point was brought up about progress events for font loads. I think we could put these in but since font loading in many cases involves multiple load operations, I don't think they are as simple to define as they would be for things like XHR requests. Regards, John Daggett
Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 02:01:47 UTC