Re: Adding SVG attributes as properties

On Jan 24, 2013 7:13 PM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
> As resolved in the last telcon, we accepted the SVGWG's proposal to
> promote more of their attributes to properties.  Specifically, the
> list we resolved on was:
> cx, cy, dx, dy, fx, fy, height, width, offset, r, rx, ry, x, x1, x2,
> y, y1, y2 and maybe d
> I forgot to include the attribute "points".  This one's nice and easy
> - it's just a list of coordinate pairs.  The grammar would just be "[
> [ <length> | <percentage> ]{2} ]#".
> Unrelated, the only attribute collisions (multiple attributes with the
> same name but different grammars) are "x" and "y", which are single
> <length>s for some attributes and a list of lengths for others.
> heycam brings up the good suggestion of just making the grammar
> "[<length> | <percentage>]#", but having some elements only pay
> attention to the first value and ignore the rest.  This seems like the
> best solution to me.  Anyone else have thoughts on this?
> ~TJ

That seems pretty good to me, simple.

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 13:28:12 UTC