RE: [css3-values] Interaction of vw/vh and scrollbars

> From: Tab Atkins Jr. []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6:34 PM
> In that case, I acknowledge that there's a reasonable user-safety argument
> for making "auto" act like "hidden" in both dimensions.

I too agree that ignoring the size of scrollbars when overflow is "auto" makes more 
sense than accounting for them. As you mentioned, if authors really expect to have 
scrollbars on the viewport and they're using viewport units they can simply specify 
overflow:sroll and be done with it.

> The only argument I continue to have against it is that overflow-x/y isn't yet
> specified anywhere, and it's *required* in order to get vw to shrink for
> scrollbars while vh is the real height.  Without those, you're stuck setting
> "overflow:scroll" and getting a probably-useless horizontal scrollbar on the
> screen.

Overflow-x/y is in the box module


Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 06:24:47 UTC