RE: Styling HTML placeholder attribute

[Lea Verou:]
> My 2 cents:
> 1) Existing implementations aside (which are a strong point for
> (:):placeholder, agreed), weren't use cases like this supposed to be
> tackled in a general way by enabling authors to style shadow DOM elements?
> What happened to that idea? Same goes for ::value.

Fwiw that is also feedback I gave Tab regarding a placeholder pseudo; if HTML
controls ever become web components, retro-fitting legacy pseudos we introduce 
today to work around the limitations of other features will probably not be 
good times. To be fair I don't think it'd be too hard; I just don't think this 
is how you'd want to do it if you started from scratch.

As for shadow DOM/Web Components, I believe work is definitely going on there.

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 23:20:31 UTC