[css3-grid-layout] min-content / max-content definitions

Hi everyone,

The specification defines 'min-content' and 'max-content' in very
imprecise words [1]:

* max-content is a keyword which refers to the maximum of the max
sizes of Grid items occupying the Grid track.
* min-content is a keyword which refers to the maximum of the min
sizes of Grid items occupying the Grid track.

On the contrary, the CSS 3 sizing specification [2] defines these 2
terms in a very precise fashion. It would be nice if the grid layout
would reference CSS 3 sizing or at least use an equivalent definition.
Note that we are taking the CSS 3 sizing's interpretation for WebKit
as it defines what the min / max sizes means for the logical height /

A side question is that if we re-use the CSS 3 sizing definition for
these 2, it is possible for the grid element to violate a fixed width
/ min-width / max-width set on the grid items as the "Intrinsic Size
Determination" algorithm doesn't account for any styling information.
I don't think it makes sense to ignore these in the context of the
grid items though.

Any thoughts?


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-grid-layout/#grid-definition-columns-and-grid-definit
[2] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-sizing

Received on Friday, 18 January 2013 01:59:04 UTC