- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:28:21 -0800
- To: "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
Summary: - Discussed F2F logistics; need more topics for agenda - Discussed interaction of viewport units and scrollbars, and avoiding relayout in 'overflow: auto' case. Need use cases for deciding whether 'auto' should be laid out as 'hidden' or 'scroll'. - Discussed issues with Pointer Events spec http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Jan/0182.html Specific concerns include: - Spec seems to confuse people as currently-written - The touch-action property might be overly-specific to touch interfaces - Discussed whether touch-action property is necessary. - Spec should show examples of how 'touch-action' is used in an all-declarative use case. (If it is only useful when JS is invoked, maybe its behavior should likewise be handled by JS, not by introducing a declarative property that's only useful when mixed with JS.) - Discussed CSS Masking, progress to LC. Issues raised include: - duplication of prose from CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders - interaction with 'overflow' property - clarifying behavior of 'no-clip' value ====== Full minutes below ====== Present: David Baron Bert Bos Tantek Çelik Elika Etemad Simon Fraserp Sylvain Galineau Daniel Glazman Brad Kemper Rebecca Hauck Molly Holzschlag Koji Ishii John Jansen Peter Linss Alexis Menard Edward O'Connor Anton Prowse Simon Sapin Dirk Schulze Alan Stearns Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Jan/0193.html Scribe: fantasai [ See Appendix A for pre-meeting IRC comments ] Administrative -------------- plinss: Any other items? I saw dbaron's email. No? topic: F2F molly: Wanted to make sure we have everything in order for F2F, since I might not be available for next 2 meetings... available only via email molly: good shape w/ rooms molly: Only have a problem solving with koji, will take care of that molly: Meetings held at U of AZ on campus molly: They'll take care of catering molly: Only thing is, Wed night we have to leave the room by 5pm molly: Seems like it will be ok, is it a problem with anybody? molly: We'll be on a university campus, lots of resources molly: working on right now is social events molly: Daniel suggested a meetup molly: figure out which night is best, and who would like to do 5-7 minute presentation? molly: related to CSS, CSS and community, design-oriented, W3C topic, whatever molly: Wondering if Tuesday is best night molly: Sunday make sure we have dinner for ppl arriving, from 8-10 molly: I imagine a lot of ppl will be tired Monday night molly: so thinking Tuesday? molly: Let me know by end of day molly: Would like to know who's interested in topic and which night is better molly: That's it glazou asks about weather molly: We have had historic lows molly: 7-8 days under freezing at night molly: beautiful -- sun shining, sky clear -- but cold molly: Looks like it's warming up molly: don't need winter coats, but bring heavy sweater molly: will keep you posted <dbaron> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucson#Climate <dbaron> FWIW, I find doing a meetup after 9 hours of meeting to be rather exhausting... [discussion of concerns wrt which day] <glazou> hey come on, he won't even change of TZ :-) molly: will aim for Tuesday then SimonSapin: I could give a presentation on CSS for printing plinss: call it Tues unless objection plinss: Please put topics on the F2F agenda! Viewport Units -------------- <dbaron> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2013JanMar/0051.html <dbaron> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Dec/thread.html#msg47 <dbaron> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Jan/thread.html#msg200 <dbaron> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19737 dbaron: There are multiple implementations of viewport units, but major issue that prevents them from working right dbaron: Don't interact with scrollbars the way we want them to dbaron: Can't decide today, but next week. dbaron: We're pretty close to shipping, but can pull back if needed dbaron: Please look this thread over so we can decide next week dbaron: Tab and I are both thinking that if scrollbars on viewport are overflow: scroll/auto, you do subtract scrollbars. If hidden, then you don't dbaron: So subtract scrollbar even if in overflow: auto case where no scrollbars smfr: Trying to avoid relayout after trying the first time? SimonSapin: So you will have cases that 100vw won't match the size of the ICB? dbaron: This would cause that to be the case. dbaron: 100vw could be smaller than ICB by width of potential scrollbar in 'auto' case Rossen: One downside to this proposal, in default case where overflow is auto, always subtracting scrollbars Rossen: For layouts that are designed to fit within viewport, will have a gap Rossen: I see your reasoning for why you're subtracting the scrollbar Rossen: But I think we're shortcutting the implementation here. Rossen: Cases e.g. want to fill a canvas to screen Rossen: For us might not be a huge deal, since we're overlay scrollbars regardless for viewport Rossen: But I think we should think it through a bit more. dbaron: It's more than just circularity, but also layering problem. dbaron: Don't want computed values to be a function of layout dbaron: But do we make them so they behave like 'scroll' or so they behave like 'hidden' for 'auto' case. Rossen: Need to decide which case we're optimizing for Rossen: want to reinforce that what I've seen for most case is people building layouts that usually fit without scrolling Rossen: Maybe we can poll some public input dbaron: A bunch of cases where you could use viewport units, you could use 100% dbaron: Wondering what are solid use cases for viewport units where you can't use 100% dbaron: Not entirely obvious to me what those cases are Rossen: viewport unit to size pages Rossen: laid out side-by-side, or one-page view Rossen: always fit in the viewport Rossen: usually no scrollbar there Rossen: in our case we use overlay scrollbars for viewport Rossen: probably not make that much difference Rossen: want for us to not make this decision lightly without more input from users, and looking at real cases dbaron: If you have examples you can post, that would be great * fantasai suggests molly ask for use cases, examples dbaron: A use case I have is a slide deck in HTML dbaron: Most of the time they don't have scrollbars dbaron: But sometimes you wind up on a display that's different size than you designed for dbaron: When that happens, don't want to get cut off, want to scroll and have that work * fantasai thinks it's better to fill by default than gap by default for that case Rossen: Not sure if it's up to us to decide, or poll more opinions here fantasai: Could also revisit decision to make viewport units compute to an absolute length, treat more like percentages. dbaron: We'd pull our implementation then, b/c too expensive a feature to be worth implementing plinss: Come back to this next week. <sylvaing> I'm answering Tab's question right now <sylvaing> on www-style <sylvaing> Let me see if I can call in Pointer Events -------------- <plinss> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013Jan/0182.html plinss: Pointer Events WG is asking for feedback plinss: Please review dbaron: Tab and I both sent email to their list <dbaron> Tab sent http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/2013JanMar/0017.html I sent http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/2013JanMar/0018.html smfr: Don't really understand why this is necessary since ? does these things based on whether nodes have touch event handlers smfr: So I'd like to see more justification for the touch-action property hober: i don't think we need touch-action when we already have preventDefault sylvaing: What kind of justification looking for? smfr: Think it's possible to get the behavior by registering touch events sylvaing: More productive for developers to do declaratively. smfr: Seems like use case here is ... default panning/zooming behavior of UA smfr: Authors want to do that when want to create their own handlers sylvaing: Idea is you want to be able to put your finger anywhere on the page, and have document follow your finger sylvaing: or pinch and have it zoom sylvaing: or in an overflow: scroll box, have panning/zooming only affect content inside that box sylvaing: Idea is for author to say that panning and zooming applies to a particular subtree sylvaing: Things inside it zoom out and pan together, but not things outside it sylvaing: Much easier to do that way than writing events dbaron: So what you said about how it works is not at all how I read the spec as saying dbaron: in that what it seems to say to me was dbaron: There's a set of things that can handle these events dbaron: Not entirely clear to me what those are, but sounded that if you had another one that could potentially do that inside your map, then the fact that you set 'none' value on an ancestor of the map, doesn't prevent the inner thing from handling the event sylvaing: So map has none, everything inside has auto, sylvaing: you have another none container in there? dbaron: For the map thing you were talking about, what do you put the none on? sylvaing: thing that contains the map dbaron: The parent of the thing that handles the touch stuff? dbaron: or element that handles the touch stuff? sylvaing: You guys referring to connection between property and ... sylvaing: Not sure I follow the problem dbaron: Maybe discuss this later, but spec should be clearer about what it's saying dbaron: though maybe feedback I sent was based on completely misunderstanding what the spec was saying sylvaing: ok, will try to check your email and see what it says smfr: For example, is it the UA doing panning/zooming inside the thing, or the page using pointer events? sylvaing: can do both, can intercept the events sylvaing: touch-action: none turns off UA behavior sylvaing: it's a way of saying elements that don't do special handling, event passes up; this says whether to stop at some intermediate ancestor smfr: Still sounds exactly what you can do with event handlers sylvaing: Can of course do with JS, but much easier to do with CSS sylvaing: It's syntactic sugar for a use case that's very common plinss: Making declarative rather than script makes sense plinss: Bothered a little bit if we're defining feature at too low a level, when concerned about a higher-level concept. plinss: If the issue is panning/zooming, should that be a touch event? Or work for other pointer inputs? * BradK would like a declarative approach that handled scroll wheel events too. smfr: Tendency of this spec to [...] pointer-events , which is different from pointer-events property, which is confusing plinss: My issue is, instead of touch-action, shouldn't this be panning-and-zooming? sylvaing: Yeah, naming is confusing, even values 'auto' / 'none' are confusing <smfr> There's a dependency from the CSS pointer-events spec on the DOM "pointer events" proposal <smfr> <http://www.w3.org/Submission/pointer-events/> plinss: Any feedback on this? plinss: Any group response? fantasai: I guess group response is, this is confusing? :) sylvaing: Interaction with actual events isn't clear sylvaing: And feedback wrt naming being inappropriate tantek: Example you mentioned with maps... that requires JS to make the maps work tantek: While I agree with having declarative shorthands tantek: But if you're going to have an example of how declarative-only feature is useful tantek: Should be an example that doesn't require JS for the rest of the example to work tantek: whatever the example is, should be declarative only, rather than depend on JS * fantasai agrees with tantek tantek: otherwise echo Simon's concern -- if you're doing things with JS anyway, have to handle details there anyway sylvaing: Could be picture, not a map tantek: Not saying declarative-only can't exist, just asking that they be used as examples * Bert agrees with tantek, too: the only reason to stop default actions is if there is some event handler that defines different actions. So the presence of that handler seems enough to stop the default actions. <sylvaing> Bert, no, you may want to stop a default action from propagating higher up without needed a custom handler. It's perfectly reasonable to want the content of an element to pan and zoom without affecting the document outside that container. fantasai: Happy to take 3 points here as feedback: naming is unclear, example should be declarative, spec is confusing plinss asks for volunteers CSS Masking ----------- <smfr> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/masking/index.html krit: I would like to go to LC, but first would like a review of it krit: also got email from dbaron today <dbaron> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/2013JanMar/0017.html was my post that dirk's responding to krit: he suggested that we share more text between CSS Backgrounds and CSS Masking krit: But feel that context of property defs is different from Backgrounds krit: Also worried about reading 2 specs instead of one dbaron: Flip side is that for ppl reading both specs, if it were shared, only read once dbaron: If not shared, have to read twice and figure out the differences. krit: but they are different dbaron: Different that applying to mask image instead of bg image, but would hope it's possible to encapsulate that in a small chunk of prose krit: If someone is interested in both specs, CSS Masking and CSS Background, then a lot of stuff is very familiar for him krit: But on the other hand, for someone who isn't interested in BG krit: needs to read two specs to understand one fantasai: One problem with duplicating the prose is that error-fixes have to go into both specs, which is a maintainability issue fantasai: Replicating prose also hides any differences; have to find the differences, then decide whether was editorial, was missing error fix, or was substantive intentional difference BradK: Any reason why we can't have a bg property that turns the current layer of the bg into a mask? Then don't have to recreate all other properties as mask properties krit: Intention was to specify behavior of webkit masking, combine with svg masking krit: Reuse bg property, then cannot use bg property itself fantasai: Really want those two to cascade independently. fantasai: Two completely different concepts, would want to set/reset independently BradK: ... BradK: Also in many cases might want to use a bg image as a mask; this way have to set properties twice krit: Comment to that... currently masking masks the whole element krit: was a suggestion to be able to mask different parts of a box krit: not the whole thing krit: compositing and blending has a new property for that krit: and it allows to explicitly say blend this element, or blend this part of the element krit: I think this is a good idea to add to filter effects / masking, but is a different topic krit: Don't agree that masking can be combined with background the right way BradK: That it can't or that not right solution krit: Both. BradK: Seems easier to use that way, already know how to use all the bg properties krit: Masking is not just masking the background, so why would we use background properties for it? BradK: Not saying that bg property would only mask bg, .. fantasai: wouldn't it be confusing for a background property to be masking the foreground? BradK: Already defining images associated with element fantasai: It's not an "images associated with the element" property, it's a background property. smfr: ... not just content in this element, but also descendants krit: This would actually revert a previous decision of the WG to use a mask property, and is beyond what I want to discuss with this spec at the moment krit: Would like to avoid reverting that decision plinss: Seems like a bad idea to overload bg props with something that isn't about backgrounds. Seems like a hack to me <tpod> Seems like a bad idea to collapse with bg props <tpod> Agreed with krit <tpod> We have other similar but different properties eg border and outline <tpod> Defaults are different, collapsing is different. Etc. <tpod> Yet they share a lot krit: Fine with referencing text from bg as much as possible, but still need property definitions in the masking spec dbaron: Agree for that, but also page of prose that looks like it's copied from bg spec, and unclear what the differences are krit: So, refernece text if not different, copy if diffeerent, OK. BradK: Define how it interacts with overflow? BradK: not quite clear on that ... krit: clip property from CSS2, copied over krit: Ok, so CSS Masking needs to define how it interacts with overflow plinss: Anything else on Masking? smfr: Do we have enough input from vendors other than WebKit to take this to LC? krit: New mask property just implemented by webkit krit: Would vendors be generally interested in following WebKit? Did not start an implementation yet dbaron: I haven't really looked at the spec closely dbaron: I can try and poke roc about it, better reveiwer for it fantasai: I would like a week to review dbaron: It's painful to review right now, due to copied prose from Background dbaron: And what I'm interested in is what's different smfr: Sounds like we want some editing before we say LC fantasai: So how about you make the edits so that the differences from BG become clear, then we all review it, and if it's good, send to LC BradK: Question about no-clip BradK: What if you have a repeating image? Does it repeat across the whole viewport? dbaron: This was removed from css3-bg krit: This is because by default, masks will clip everything to border box krit: no-clip avoids clipping to border box krit: Allows to show content outside border box krit: It could mask whole viewport; but content itself doesn't flood whole viewport BradK: Should specify that explicitly, because alternate interpretation is to clip to tiles that fit within border box krit: Could you send mail to public-fx? Thanks <dbaron> I think no-clip does make sense as a masking difference fro css3-background, though. Meeting closed. Appendix A ---------- <liam> ... <liam> your mail about running headers, and about translating from docx etc <glazou> of course, I will have to fight howcome on that but I'm not here for that, I really think PM and GCPM are faaaar too weak <molly> I think there's an intriguing publishing model for print there, but perhaps outside the focus we need in the group <liam> we need to get to the point where it's being addressed (somewhere in W3C) fairly soon, for sure this year. <glazou> molly: if browser vendors don't implement it, it is dead <glazou> as are currently dead PM and GCPM <liam> ebooks are changing people's expectation of the platform <glazou> only batch processors implement it <glazou> nobody cares <molly> I think Opera put out one lab version last year or a year ago <glazou> liam: exactly ! <liam> people will go into a kiosk in an airport and say, "make me a print copy of this book while I check in to my flight". <glazou> print-on-demand <glazou> yes <glazou> no more stocks in bookstores <glazou> one demo book only <glazou> want it ? we print it <liam> I have seen this for google books <glazou> with a micro-cameron press <glazou> one book printed in 10 seconds * liam has to go <glazou> bye liam <SimonSapin> glazou: page-margin boxes are weak, but I don’t see existing implementations removing them any time soon even with a better altenative <SimonSapin> compat issues with existing content are the same as on the web, even though at a smaller scale <glazou> SimonSapin: existing implems are batch and I don't see browsers implement it any soon either... <SimonSapin> glazou: so what? <glazou> SimonSapin: epub readers and browsers are not batch ! <glazou> they need better than current PM/GCPM <SimonSapin> glazou: should we remove a feature from the spec if only some implementations have it? <glazou> yeah <glazou> who said remove ? <glazou> I said better <glazou> better is L4 <SimonSapin> so better in addition to the current features? ... <stearns> mmm - balanced text polyfill just posted: https://github.com/adobe-webplatform/balance-text
Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 02:28:50 UTC