Re: Selector Parsing for Selectors API

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Sylvain Galineau
<> wrote:
> [Lachlan Hunt:]
>> You need to separate scoped stylesheets from the API.  HTML scoped
>> stylesheets use scope-contained by default. find() uses scope-relative.
>>  matches() uses a variant of scope-relative that isn't yet defined there.
> Do we believe developers will keep these straight in their heads?
> Note: I'm not trying to be facetious; there seem to be important nuances
> involved. Has any kind of usability testing been done or is this something
> to be figured out once implementations get out there?

Based on my own experiences with the equivalents that already exist, I
think the current behavior is what people expect.  People are used to
jQuery's selector engine, which is exactly scope-relative (in
particular, it lets you do "+ foo" to get the sibling of the scoping
element).  On the other hand, when using ids to scope portions of a
stylesheet, I rarely see people trying to get things outside of that
scope.  When they do wish to do so, we'll have the @host rule or
whatever to switch them over to scope-relative.


Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2013 20:00:07 UTC