Re: A proposed standard for CSS-controlled sentence spacing

2013/1/10 Tab Atkins Jr. <>:
> I'm with Hixie for now, in the corresponding thread you've raised in
> WHATWG about adding a <sentence> tag to HTML.  This doesn't seem to be
> particularly useful, existing markup can handle it, editors can very
> easily handle it, and there doesn't seem to be convincing evidence
> that sentence spacing is actually much of a contributor to
> readability.  While I happen to use two spaces after sentences, it's
> mostly a finger tic from my days being taught keyboarding.
> Two-spaces-after-a-sentence doesn't appear to be a reliable rule in
> modern English typing, and I don't think it's much of one outside of
> English either.

The entire discussion sounds rather Euro-centric to me. Why is a
<sentence> tag not useful? Not all languages use spaces to separate
sentences, and ancient languages frequently don’t even have
punctuation. A <sentence> tag is absolutely logical as a structural

But then we don’t even have a real paragraph tag; so I suppose a true
sentence tag is indeed “not useful.”

-ambrose <>

Received on Sunday, 13 January 2013 01:25:50 UTC