Re: Case sensitivity in CSS: some tests

Hi Boris, sorry for the delay.

On 09/01/2013 17:57, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 1/9/13 11:00 AM, Richard Ishida wrote:
>  > Selectors and HTML element tags match regardless of case (this is
>  > constrained to ASCII).
> Constrained in that the tests do not test non-ASCII or that they test
> that it's not compared equal with ASCII.

I meant to say that the things being tested can only be ASCII, since all 
HTML element names are ASCII only.

>> Selectors and HTML attribute values do NOT match where case is
>> different.
> This depends on the attribute name, no?  At least in some UAs...

Certainly, it is different for the lang attribute. In the results pages 
I am about to provide links to in another email I make this clear, and 
point to relevant results for that.

>> Class names using .classname syntax in the selector are a
>> variant of this
> _That_ depends on quirks mode or not, right?

It does. The tests I wrote are standards-mode only.

>> I tested in Firefox, Opera and Chrome on Mac and IE9 on Windows7, and
>> got the same results. (These are standards-mode tests.)
> Just to check, what version of Firefox?  We've fixed some bugs in this
> stuff recently based on Jonathan's test results, so behavior is not the
> same for Firefox tip and Firefox 17, say.

Look for the next email I send - it will point to the W3C test 
framework, so you can see all the details of versions and OS.


> -Boris

Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 08:47:48 UTC