RE: [css3-animations] CSSKeyframesRule.findRule()

[Daniel Glazman:]
> We discussed findRule() during this week's conf call.
> I guess the proposal is to change it from
>    CSSKeyframeRule findRule(in DOMString key);
> to
>    sequence<CSSKeyframeRule> findRules(in DOMString key);
> of course, the |key| here is subject to the change proposal made earlier
> by Sylvain.
Right, we did discuss it in the context of allowing keyframe rules to cascade.

This has been out for a while though so changing it might have a compat impact.
Since we also want to be able to resolve the entire cascaded rule for a given
keyframe selector, could we use this method for that purpose? An additional
method to return all the individual un-resolved rules similar to what you propose
could then be added.

Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 17:56:47 UTC