Re: [css3-counter-styles] Handling ethiopic-numerals and extended CJK numbers

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:08:53PM +0000, Reece Dunn wrote:

> Looking at the way numbers are spoken (e.g. "one hundred and sixteen" for
> 116 in British English), the way these are constructed is similar to the
> way ethiopic-numerals are formed [1]. The only difference is that Western
> numbers are split in groups of 3, whereas Ethiopic numbers are split into
> groups of 2. Also, Korean splits numbers into groups of 4.
> Therefore, instead of having a specific ethiopic system, they could be
> expressed using something like |system: natural; group-length: 2;|.
> This will also help with the CJK extended sets as well, as looking at
> section 6.1.2, the tables use production rules for handling group-length 4
> numbers.

That would be good if it can be done.  Can you have a go at specifying an
algorithm and corresponding tables that would cover both ethiopic and CJK
styles?  Or even if it could cover both British english and just one of the
ethiopic/CJK complex styles, then that would give some feeling that it might be
useful for some other numbering system more likely to be found in lists than
english words.


Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 09:52:24 UTC