Re: [css3-gcpm] full comments on the last ED (with Variables inside...)

Le 20/02/2013 13:36, Daniel Glazman a écrit :
>     Prose says the scope of a named string is the page of the element
>     but since the property applies to all media, does it mean the scope
>     of a named string in a 'screen' medium is the whole document? In
>     that case, they define document-level variables that will collide
>     with CSS Custom Inherited Properties (aka CSS Variables) in the mind
>     of users.

The text could be improved, but I think the intended meaning is that the 
@page context do not "see" named strings defined on elements that start 
on later pages.

>     wow, issue 1 for env(date) is a very serious one... I think the UA's
>     locale should be used in all cases.

I’m not sure. Having French in the middle of a Japanese document just 
because my browsers happens to be in French does not make sense.

>     Bookmarks in section 7 seem to me an incomplete mechanism at this
>     time. I understand this is to be handled by the UA but how is it
>     retrieved? How does the UA create the bookmarks list? How can the
>     bookmarks list be generated (as in generated content) into a
>     specific page for instance? This section requires much more details,
>     clearer use cases with rendering examples and potentially a complete
>     revamp, including technically. I'm not sure the current model is
>     useable as is.

As I understand it, GCPM’s bookmarks are similar to the HTML outline 
algorithm. There is currently no way to generate content based on it, 
but there could be in the future.

GCPM bookmarks however are designed around PDF. 'bookmark-state' for 
example exposes directly a concept from the PDF spec. PDF "outlines" are 
metadata, typically shown by viewers in a sidebar.

WeasyPrint implements this. I think it’s one of the better-defined 
features of GCPM, although a bit PDF-centered.

>     Section 8 has nothing to do here. Should be in the CSS Print Profile
>     in my opinion.

Can profiles define features of their own, as opposed to taking a subset 
of features from various modules?

Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 15:08:42 UTC