RE: SVG attributes with multiple value types as CSS properties

[Tab Atkins Jr.:]
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Sylvain Galineau <>
> wrote:
> > A question regarding our resolution from 1/23 [1] promoting SVG
> > presentation attributes to CSS properties: did we discuss the handling
> > of those attributes whose value type depends on the element they apply
> > to? For instance, dx is a <list-of-lengths> when applied to text
> > elements [2] but a <number> when applied to feOffset [3].
> I believe we left it currently undecided, and up to the SVGWG.  Their
> current best idea is to make the value type a list, but only take the
> first value when used in a place that takes a single value.

Given some of the use-cases for this - animating these properties using
Transitions/Animations - I think we would be better off resolving on a
complete proposal. 

Any other CSS property values that depend on a specific element type (as 
opposed to a box or display type)?

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 21:58:16 UTC