[css-counter-styles] Finished f2f edits, request LC

I've finished the edits to Counter Styles we resolved on during the
F2F.  In particular:

* I defined a 'width' descriptor, which takes an integer and a symbol,
and prepends to the counter representation if you've used less symbols
than the width.  It takes negatives into account automatically,
including them in the width when the value is negative.  That is, if
you have "width: 3 '0';", then the value 1 would be "001", but -1
would be "-01".  With a fixed-width font, the two are the same width.
* I defined that impls must support ranges of at least -2^15 to
2^15-1, the range of a signed 2-byte int.
* I removed the issue about ethiopic-numeric (it was already marked as
at-risk, as it turned out).
* The issue about skipping an increment if it would exceed the impl's
min/max supported value was resolved by editting Lists, not Counter

We agreed at the F2F that these edits were all that was required
before going to LC, so I'd like to request a transition at the next
telcon.  Please review, obviously.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 04:36:08 UTC