[css3-syntax][css3-page] The mixed declaration/at-rule syntax is not LL(k)


Is has been reported that the grammar for the body of @page rules (that 
allows mixed declarations and at-rules) is not LL(k). In other words, it 
requires unbounded look-ahead.


css3-syntax defines the same syntax for all declarations blocks. The 
state machine there is clearly unambiguous and only requires bounded 

But the only ways I found to translate this state machine into the 
traditional grammar operators (concatenation, alternation, repetition, 
etc.) required unbouded look-ahead to pick between the branches of a 
declaration that ends with ';' or one that ends with '}'.

Should we care about this? Is it a problem for grammar-based parser 

Simon Sapin

Received on Saturday, 2 February 2013 19:01:46 UTC