Re: [css-multicol] Overflowing floats issue

>>> But "in the normal flow" does not apply to your floating image.
>> I believe the aim was to include floating content, but you're right
>> the wording wasn't clear enough. I would approve a clarification that
>> explains this statement also applies to floating elements.
> "In-flow" is defined in CSS 2.1 and clearly does not apply to floated 
> elements. But we could could change the spec to say "Floated or in-flow 
> content that extends …"

Are you saying you intend to change the spec so that there will be no way to 
have an element overflow across column gaps anymore? I realise that nobody 
other than Firefox actually supported this, but I was hoping the other 
browsers would fix their implementations at some point.

If you really wanted to clip a float, you could always wrap it in something 
with an overflow:hidden, or maybe use the clip property in some way. 
However, there's no way to unclip something after the renderer has forcibly 
clipped it.


Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 17:41:13 UTC