Re: [css-fonts] grammar changes for @font-face and @font-feature-values rules

On Sun, 28 Apr 2013 11:55:49 +0200, Simon Sapin <>  

> Test case:
>      data:text/html,Test<style>body{font-family:Fontin/**/Sans

(This triggers quirks mode, though that doesn't seem to make any  

> Change the font family to one installed on your machine, that you can  
> tell apart from the default font, and whose name contains a space.  
> Replace the space by a comment, as above. The test passes if the font is  
> still applied.
> Passes in Chrome, fails in Firefox. (I don’t have IE to test, and didn’t  
> manage at all to use a font with a space in the name in Opera Linux.)

(Passes for me in Opera/Presto, on Linux, using DejaVu/**/Sans)

Øyvind Stenhaug
Opera Software ASA

Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 10:26:09 UTC