Re: [css-images] a proposal for intrinsic aspect ratios

Le 27/04/2013 14:22, Anselm Hannemann a écrit :
>>> Example:
>>> aspect-ratio: 56.5%; /* 16x9 */
>>> aspect-ratio: '16x9';
>>> aspect-ratio: '4x5'; /* Now it's taller than it is wide */
> I do like this approach but specifying percentages is hard, so I prefer
> using ratios like `16x9` or similar. Basically there also should be a
> default value `preserve` which just preserves the aspect-ratio.
> And for instance why shouldn't it be animatable? I think it should be.
> There could be a slide or dissolve effect for that use case that may
> appear on change events at some time in future. But I don't have a
> strong opinion on that specific thing.

There is a precedent for fraction-based ratio syntax in Media Queries:

The syntax is: <integer> WS* '/' WS* <integer>
I suppose it could be easily extended to <number> instead of <integer>.

Simon Sapin

Received on Saturday, 27 April 2013 12:31:22 UTC