Re: [cssom-view] extending CSSStyleDeclaration with the CSS properties defined in SVG 1.1

On 4/19/13 11:24 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> I believe these properties need to be [TreatNullAs=EmptyString].  See

Oh, and some other issues, while I'm here:

1)  The 'float' property needs to become the 'cssFloat' IDL
     attribute.  I believe this is the only weird case like that.
2)  It's not clear to me that removeProperty as currently defined does
     the right thing for shorthands, because it's talking about
     declarations but there is no declaration for the shorthand so
     much; it's expanded out into its subproperties, right?


Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 15:49:24 UTC