Re: [css3-exclusions] What inline content does shape-inside affect?

On 3/26/13 6:00 PM, "Alan Stearns" <> wrote:

>Hey all,
>The definition of shape-inside [1] says that it affects inline flow
>content. This is a bit too vague. If it only affects direct inline
>children of an element, that would not be very useful (paragraphs would
>break out of the shape). So we need to define more precisely which inline
>descendants are affected by the shape.
>There are two options I'm considering. The first makes shape-inside work a
>bit like floats, and the second makes shape-inside work like an exclusion.
>The main difference is that a float does not affect the inline descendants
>of a block formatting context, and an exclusion does.
>A: Make shape-inside work a bit like floats:
>1. In-flow line boxes are constrained by the shape
>2. Block boxes that are not BFCs ignore the shape
>3. In-flow block formatting contexts must not intersect the shape
>B: Make shape-inside work like an exclusion:
>Shape-inside contributes the area outside its shape as an exclusion area
>for the element's wrapping context. The in-flow line boxes of all
>descendants would be affected by the shape unless wrap-through:none is

Based on the resolution on today's call, I've changed shape-inside to work
like an exclusion. I added a new 'wrapping area' term defined as the
result of subtracting a wrapping context from an element's content area in
order to make some of the overflow prose readable.



Received on Thursday, 4 April 2013 00:54:15 UTC