[CSSOM View] Units for window.screen

According to http://mpulp.mobi/labs/ppk/widthtest_vpdevice.html and
http://www.quirksmode.org/m/tests/widthtest_vpdevice.html (be sure to
test both; see http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2012/09/apples_mobi_ins.html
) as tested on Galaxy Nexus/JB, Firefox (tested Nightly), Chrome,
Opera Mobile and Android stock all make window.screen.width and
.height return in device pixels. The spec says the unit should be CSS

I don’t have iDevices here, but this is worth testing in Safari on
retina iPad&iPhone. If Safari agrees with the browsers available for
Android, perhaps the spec should accept this oddity instead of trying
to change it. (I don’t know what the screen stuff is good for
anyway—it’s the viewport that should matter to Web developers.)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 06:38:05 UTC