Re: Discussing possibilities of a 'CSS-ignore' rule.

The use-case I talked about was meant solely meant to get my thoughts
across. Finding the best way out to solve that problem is not an issue. The
problem has already been solved. And anyways, this is not a developer
support forum to discuss about a single issue.
What I want to say is that having something similar to the 'css-ignore'
rule could give huge amount of control to the developer, users and even
Let us assume that one is working on a web page with an external CSS file
associated with it. But for some reason,one doesn't want the styling to be
associated with a certain set of images from the class 'my_images'.
Consider that the external file already has a definition for images of
class 'my_images'.
Here, one deliberately wants to allow the images to be rendered according
to the browser's preferences. Please note that the we're talking about
getting rid of the styling, not 'overriding' it with something else.

To get rid of the external definition, one will have to rewrite the
existing styling definitions of the images of class 'my_images' in the CSS
file, which don't fall in that 'certain set of images'.
I would certainly find it cumbersome to modify the existing styling
definitions, with all the testing and debugging that went into it, just
because I want a certain set of those elements to get rid of the styling.

It would be awesome if I could include a single line of css to make this
happen. Say .image_with_no_styling { css-ignore:all; } or
.image_with_no_styling { css-ignore:external; } or something similar.
This was a simple use case. We don't know what this could lead up to, many
people can come up with creative things with this ability. This can
possibly also open up possibilities for browsers to innovate on providing
styling solutions specific to their own browsers, so that the user
(consumer of the web services), could tweak around with the web page, using
settings in her browser.
This might sound too optimistic, maybe even too over the top, but we need
to give this a thought, this could possibly change many things. And with
the way browsers are growing nowadays, it highly likely that browser
designers will provide many innotive options, that might further empower
the users. They might come up with their own custom external style sheets,
for certainelements or pages that have external style sheets 'ignored'. We
need to give this a thought, this could end up into something special.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Felix Miata <> wrote:

> On 2012-09-21 09:44 (GMT-0700) Garrett Smith composed:
>  Don't use tables.
> Bad advice!!!
> Don't use tables *for non-tabular data*. Don't *not* use tables for
> tabular data, as is done on**schedule<>, which is a hopeless mess with styles disabled and/or text-only zoom.
> --
> "The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
> words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata  ***

Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 21:48:52 UTC