Re: [css3-fonts] FontLoader v2

>> Need I continue? And what does one get from this? The ability to tell the
>> author that, for a functionality they don't yet have, they need type nine
>> fewer characters??? No thanks. I don't want to increase the already high
>> level of 'perl'-entropy present in these specs. Are you a doppelgänger of
>> Larry Wall? ;)
> It's 15 fewer characters, actually.  I, um, don't know what to say if
> you think "event.weight" over "" in a
> FontFaceEvent is "perl-level entropy".  I literally don't know what
> answer to give in response to that.

I just wanted to remind of the discussion about the "style" property
of CSSFontFaceRules to be changed to something else than
E.g. in Firefox 18 a CSSStyleDeclaration doesn't give direct access to
properties anymore. CSS2Properties is used for giving direct access
instead. I.e. in Firefox it is currently not possible to write just
"style.fontWeight", instead you have to write
"style.getPropertyValue("font-weight")". Chrome differs here by
allowing direct access.
Ah, and by the way it's not "style.weight" but "style.fontWeight".

Anyway, the discussion seems to offer three possibilities:
1. Give the possibility to access all font face related info
(CSSFontFaceRule) and therefore having to write a bit more.
E.g. or"font-weight")

2. Only provide the information needed to identify a font via direct
access (fontFamily/fontWeight/fontStretch/fontStyle/unicodeRange)
E.g. event.fontWeight, but not event.fontVariant

3. Provide all font face style related info via direct access
E.g. event.fontWeight (and all other font face related properties)

How about a compromise? Implement "event.fontface" with "fontface"
being a CSSFontFaceDescriptors (though I'm not sure if Boris meant it
to allow directly accessing properties or just via
E.g. event.fontface.fontWeight (and all other font face related
properties) or event.fontface.getPropertyValue("font-weight")



Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 06:38:14 UTC