Re: [css3-fonts] rethinking font load events

> >   // -- fires when all font loads have completed or failed
> >   [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onallcomplete;
> In discussion, my coworkers and I thought the "all" name would be
> somewhat confusing.  It's all the fonts *that the page has so far
> requested*, which means that the "allcomplete" event can fire multiple
> times in a page's lifecycle.  I'm not sure what a better name is,
> though.
> How about just onidle?  You can complement that with onloading for the
> opposite case.

onidle and onloading sound fine to me.

> >   // -- fires when a single font load completes
> >   [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onload;
> >
> >   // -- fires when a single font load fails
> >   [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onerror;
> I don't think I like errors to trigger a separate event.  I used a
> "usedSrc" attribute in the load event to indicate which source was
> chosen, which was nulled in case of error.

I agree with Tab as long as the event he described in his wiki page[1]
contains all the other information to describe the font, which was
tried to load.

> >   // notify completion, even if no fonts load
> >   void notifyAfterCompletion();
> I'm fine with things like this (simplifies interaction/API usually),
> but this is the reason promises are often better than events - you
> could just hinge some code on the allloaded promise and it'll either
> run immediately (well, in the next event loop cycle) or be held until
> the promise actually fulfills.  I wish tc39 would hurry up and decide
> which flavor of promises they want to bless. :/

If I understand correctly notifyAfterCompletion() "arms"
document.fontloader again. So the "allcomplete" / "idle" event is
normally just fired once in the life cycle of a page, right?

> > Bubbles: only in my champagne darling

Haha, that's good! ;-)

> Is that supposed to be the CSSFontFaceRule that actually kicked off
> the load?  Note that you can't expose that cross-origin.  This also
> means that to identify the font, you have to write
> "".  This is why I flattened the @font-face
> descriptors onto the event object - much shorter, and no cross-origin
> issues.

But it also means when the CSSFontFaceRule descriptors get extended
the event will also have to be adjusted, no?

> This also lacks the ability to tell which source was chosen in the
> load, which seemed useful in discussion with coworkers.  My proposal
> had a 'usedSrc' attribute for that.

Yes. That information is important for my use case. [2]



Received on Thursday, 6 September 2012 17:03:49 UTC