RE: [css-variables] allowed syntax of variable values

[Tab Atkins Jr.:] 
> It's extremely unrestricted compared to normal CSS.  The sentence just
> emphasizes that there's no particular grammar for the property, in the
> sense that normal CSS properties have.

No one argues that it's not less restricted. But there *is* a restriction and
I think it is suggested that in a specification words such as 'unrestricted' 
are best used to describe an absolute state vs. using them as a loose comparative 
e.g. as a marketing department would use 'unlimited' to describe certain flat
pricing schemes.
(Granted, 'unlimited minutes on nights and week-ends' always sounded 
hilariously contradictory to me but given its popularity maybe I'm the

Anyway. I'm well above my weekly bikeshedding quota already.

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 19:11:20 UTC