Re: [css-variables] Using $foo as the syntax for variables

Thanks, Boris, I understand this.

It's just a side note about the existing vendors' efforts that make long selectors fast enough to not consider them as _blocker_ for positive changes in CSS in whole.

25.05.2012, 18:57, "Boris Zbarsky" <bzbarsky@MIT.EDU>:
> On 5/25/12 10:25 AM, Marat Tanalin | wrote:
>> šBTW, browser vendors (WebKit [2], Mozilla [3]) already take steps to make selectors much faster and, in most cases, independent from how long selector is.
> There's no free lunch.
> The optimizations you link to have a nontrivial memory cost, and worse
> yet make it much harder to perform selector matching in a parallelizable
> manner (because it becomes stateful).
> UAs are sort of forced to do them because sites are using descendant
> combinators willy nilly (not least because CSS preprocessors output them
> all over the place)...
> Long selector chains can still cause performance issues when trying to
> handle dynamic changes, by the way, where the optimizations you link to
> don't apply right now.
> -Boris

Received on Friday, 25 May 2012 15:10:38 UTC