[SAC] ConditionFactory.createClassCondition

Hi there,

I'm currently playing with implementing the SAC API and stumbled upon the method createClassCondition in the ConditionFactory class

I suppose (since it is not explained in more detail) this method serves the purpose to create a condition of the form .class.
However, the namespaceURI parameter doesn't make any sense to me (I would expect a similar method signature as for createIdCondition).
To make this even more confusing, the javadoc of the method lists some parameters that don't appear in the method.
It would be great if someone could explain the semantics of this method and also fix the javadoc.

BTW: this and many other methods throw a CSSException "if this exception is not supported".
I can't make any sense of this sentence. What is "this exception"?

Thanks for clarification,

Received on Saturday, 19 May 2012 21:33:40 UTC