[css3-flexbox] Changing abspos placeholders to atomic inlines

Issue link: http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/css3-flexbox-abspos-flex-items

Previously, the "placeholder" left behind by abspos items was defined
to be a "0x0 anonymous inline".  Anton raised the issue that setting
an inline to 0 height doesn't really do anything, and we may instead
want to set its line-height to 0.  Instead, fantasai and I decided to
just change them to atomic inlines.  This makes the 0 height actually

This has additional implications, though.  As an atomic inline, the
placeholder now becomes a flex item, rather than being wrapped in a
flex item.  This actually seems like slightly better behavior, as it
means that it responds directly to flex-align.

So, is this change okay?


Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 00:45:18 UTC