Re: [css3-flexbox] Computed value of "flex-item-align:auto" on the root node

On 05/12/2012 02:49 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Luckily, the issue here with not knowing whether a child is an item or not
> has been resolved - HTML's replaced elements are now *always* flexbox items
> regardless. This means that whether something is a flexbox item or not is
> based purely off of computed-time information, so I can go back to having
> these properties refer to flexbox items.

[preface: I very much agree with bz's sentiment on keeping this simple.
 (and it sounds like you do too, from your response to him)]

However: even if we settled on "flex-item-align:auto" having
flexbox-item-specific behavior (as you seemed to be initially advocating
above), we'd still have a problem.  The computed value of
"flex-item-align:auto" would still be undefined on non-flexbox-items.
Should "auto" always compute to "stretch" outside of a flexbox? Should
it compute to "auto" (which so far hasn't been a valid computed value
for this property)?  The spec doesn't say right now.

In any case -- there's no useful reason for special-casing here, since
flex-item-align is ignored outside of a flexbox, so I think we should
just be consistent & always make 'auto' take the parent's flex-align
value.  (with just the one special case for the root element w/ no parent)


Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 17:47:26 UTC