[CSS21] (Appendix E) Table cells not painted?


Table cells are mentioned in Appendix E for their background and 
borders, but not for their content.

Table cells are block containers (9.2.1), so they contain either block 
boxes or line boxes. No problem for blocks, they will be picked up by 
step 7:

 > Otherwise: first for the element, then for all its in-flow,
 > non-positioned, block-level descendants in tree order:

But if I read the appendix literally, a line box directly in a table 
cell is never painted.

To fix this, I suggest the changing step 7.2 from:

 > Otherwise, for each line box of that element:


 > Otherwise, for each line box of that element (if the element is
 > a block-container) or of that element’s cells (if the element is
 > a block-level or inline-level table):

This particular wording is not very satisfactory, but I hope you 
understand the idea.

Simon Sapin

Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 11:21:36 UTC