Re: [css3-fonts] subscript/superscript variants

On May 10, 2012, at 7:41 AM, Christoph Päper wrote:

> That’s why it’s possible most of the time to apply them algorithmically, without explicit markup (i.e. ‘sup’ and ‘sub’), but implicit markup (e.g. ‘abbr’, ‘math’ and ‘lang’) can help a lot.
>  Mme. ⇐ M<sup>me</sup>
>  Acme(TM) ⇐ Acme<sup>TM</sup>    (Acme™)
>  1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ⇐ 1<sup>st</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup>, 3<sup>rd</sup>, 4<sup>th</sup>
>  H2O ⇐ H<sub>2</sub>O
>  NOx ⇐ NO<sub>x</sub>
>  YCbCr ⇐ YC<sub>B</sub>C<sub>R</sub>
>  2 Cl- + Ca2+ ⇐ 2 Cl<sup>−</sup> + Ca<sup>2+</sup>
>  E = mc^2 ⇐ E = m⁢c<sup>2</sup>   (E = mc²)
>  9.80665 kg·m·s^-2 ⇐ 9.80665 kg·m·s<sup>-2</sup>    (kg·m·s⁻²)
>  1 lbf. ⇐ 1 lb<sub><i>F</i></sub>
>  10bin + 10_10 + Ah ⇐ 10<sub>bin</sub> + 10<sub>10</sub> + A<sub>h</sub>
>  log_e(a), log10(a) ⇐ log<sub>e</sub>a = ln a, log<sub>10</sub>a = lg a
>  a<sup>-</>b<sup>*</>c<sup>+</>d<sup>?</>e<sup>!</> = a{0}b{0,}c{1,}d{,1}e{1}
>  n/a ⇐ NP<sub>Nom, Sg, f</sub>
>  n/a or lim_(n→0) ⇐ lim<sub>n→0</sub>
>  n/a or ∏_(i∈ℙ) ⇐ ∏<sub>i∈ℙ</sub>
>  n/a ⇐ ∑<sub>i=1</sub><sup>∞</sup> = ∑<sup>∞</sup><sub>i=1</sub> 
>  n/a or C14, C-14 ⇐ <sup>14</sup>C   ?
>  n/a ⇐ <sup>235</sup><sub>92</sub>U
> It’s usually the font developer’s job to create complex substitution tables for that (although maybe for ‘calt’ or the like rather than ‘subs’ and ‘sups’)

Are you saying that font developers should build things like this

 user input: E = mc^2
 output: E = mc²

into fonts via OpenType features?


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 13:29:33 UTC