Re: [CSS Box Alignment] Comments on CSS Box Alignment proposal

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 2:28 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
>> >  * I'm confused about whichever of 'grid-row-align' and
>> >   'grid-column-align' is in the block direction (I'm not sure this
>> >   is fixed as the table suggests) is supposed to work when there is
>> >   more than one grid item in a cell.  In particular, aren't the
>> >   items going to be laid out as blocks in one dimension?  If so,
>> >   how can they be *individually* aligned in that dimension?  (And
>> >   isn't the ability to have multiple items in a cell the only
>> >   reason that grid doesn't behave like tables (resizing the items)
>> >   and avoid case (b) in the point above?)
>> Grid is defined to always pay attention to writing mode, such that the
>> rows are along the inline axis and the columns are along the block
>> axis.
>> Grid Items always overlap if they're positioned in the same cells.
>> You're probably thinking about the older Template Layout, where
>> putting multiple items in the same cell would make them flow together.
>>  I think Grid is intending to handle that sort of thing with Regions
>> flowed into ::cell pseudos.
> In that case, why not make the item fill the entire cell (as for
> tables)?  Then you take care of the alignment in terms of aligning
> its contents.
> This removes the need for 2 extra alignment properties which
> otherwise don't make sense in this general model.

Then you're requiring wrappers for reasonably common cases.  You
can't, say, just put <input>s directly into a grid cell.


Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 13:01:22 UTC