Re: Proposition to change the prefixing policy

On 5/5/12 10:47 AM, Sylvain Galineau wrote:
> Are we talking about implementors who will not submit a spec for a new
> feature before they have released a public implementation for it? That
> is rather different from not putting code in a nightly/preview build if
> it won't make the very next upcoming release.

My understanding was that both were policy for at least some group 
members.  If I'm wrong, that's great.

> And I think it's fair to assume we'd all rather keep it that way.

I don't think that's a good assumption.

Certainly there has been some discussion inside Mozilla about moving to 
a model where we put all unstable CSS features behind prefs, off by 
default in release builds.

> Last, these features are one of the ways browser releases compete with each
> other.

Yes, that's one of the key problems against a UA unilaterally moving to 
a model where they ship things preffed off by default.  It puts them at 
a competitive disadvantage.  And even if we all agreed to do it, the 
benefits to defecting would be enormous.


Received on Saturday, 5 May 2012 15:30:56 UTC