[CSSWG] [css3-regions] Updated WD of CSS Regions

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the CSS Regions Module Level 3:


CSS Regions allows you to collect content in a named flow, then flow this content through boxes in a region chain.

The most important change in this new draft is the ability for region boxes to automatically size to the fragment of content they receive. This allows regions to have height:auto and size themselves to accomodate content between breaks.

Another big change is an updated and expanded CSSOM section. It incorporates extensive feedback from specification and implementation work.

The introductory example has been reworked to include a final region that sizes to accommodate the remainder of the flow content and use grid layout to position the various regions. The code for the example has been collected in one place to improve readability.

A new section describes how multicolumn properties interact with region chains.

Other significant changes are listed at:


Please send any comments to this mailing list, <www-style@w3.org<mailto:www-style@w3.org>>, and please, prefix the subject line with


(as I did on this message).

For the CSS WG,


Received on Thursday, 3 May 2012 13:56:16 UTC