[css3-text] Why is the definition of word in text-transform non normative


There may have been discussions about this, but I couldn't find them.

The section about text-transform says "The definition of "word" used for  
‘capitalize’ is UA-dependent; [UAX29] is suggested (but not required) for  
determining such word boundaries." Why not require it?

I know there is another issue open to discuss whether the behavior  
described by UAX29 is really the one we want, but what I am asking here is  
orthogonal to that. Whatever we decide is the desired behavior, why not  
mandate it?

Is it just to ease the compliance with this (already feature rich) level,  
with the intention of eventually (maybe at level 4) make it mandatory?

In general, I think the improved interoperability that we would gain by  
making the definition of word normative is worth having.

  - Florian

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2012 13:33:33 UTC