Re: [css3-flexbox] more intelligent single-column pagination

On 05/01/2012 11:42 AM, fantasai wrote:
> Right now the spec says that the flexbox is laid out without regard to pagination,
> flexed, and then the break point is selected and content that doesn't fit pushed
> to the next page. Then the remaining contents are flexed. Etc.
> I think that if an item falls across a page break, and free space was positive,
> the UA should be allowed to reduce the distributed free space on the page in order
> to pull the item up instead of pushing it down.

Suggested fix: Add after step 2

   # If the break was unforced or between flexbox items and the free space was
   # positive, the UA MAY reduce the distributed free space on this page (down
   # to, but not past, zero) in order to make room for the next unbreakable
   # flexbox item or fragment. Otherwise, the item or fragment that does not
   # fit is pushed to the next page. The UA SHOULD pull up if most of the
   # fragment would have fit in the remaining space and SHOULD push otherwise.

This allows the UA to pull content up if there's room.

I also suggest adding

   # The remaining space on the page is redistributed to the flexbox items on
   # this page according to [flex distribution rules].

so that flexible items fill the flexbox fragment on this page.


Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 15:55:22 UTC