Re: [CSS21] [CSS3 Text] Should 'text-transform: uppercase' apply to input type="text" (text entered, typed in text field by user)?

On 23/6/12 11:30, Christoph Päper wrote:
> Gérard Talbot:
>> So, should text-transform apply to user entered text like in text
>> fields?
> That’s actually a two-part question:
> 1. Is text input shown to the user subject to ‘text-transform’? 2. Is
> text input send to the server subject to ‘text-transform’?
> I tend to prefer “it should be” for the first and “it should not be”
> for the second part.

I'd agree with this. Text-transform is a style property applied during 
rendering of the text, just like font-size or color. If these properties 
apply to (the visual presentation of) the user's input in a text field, 
text-transform should do the same. No such presentational attributes 
should have any effect on what's submitted to the server.


Received on Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:34:27 UTC