Re: [css3-background] Computed value of background-position, and other background-*

On 06/21/2012 05:21 AM, Florian Rivoal wrote:
> I know we're in CR already, but I didn't notice before, so better late than never...
> The computed value of background-position is described as:
> Two keywords representing the origin and two offsets from that
> origin, each given as an absolute length (if given a <length>),
> otherwise as a percentage.
> The value of background-position is defined as "<position [,<position>]*". The description would work if there was only 1
> position, but there can be several and the phrasing is oblivious to that.

Prepended "A list, each item consisting of:"


Received on Thursday, 21 June 2012 21:42:31 UTC