Re: [css3-page] preferred height, containing blocks, counters, vertical-align, size, links

fantasai <> wrote on 2012/06/12 9:25:50
> > Section 7.2 a UA stylesheet with the vertical-align property set for each margin box. However, this property does not apply to
> > blocks, only to inlines and table cells. Do we want margin boxes to behave like table cell for the purpose of vertical-align?
> Yes, that's exactly the intent. Let me clarify that...
>    | On margin boxes, the ‘vertical-align’ property behaves as specified for
>    | table cells [1]. It always performs alignment in the vertical dimension,
>    | regardless of writing mode.
>    | [1]
> Murakami-san, I think making vertical-align on margin boxes independent of
> writing mode makes the most sense, especially given the default values
> required for ua.css. But, what do you think?

I agree. Our Antenna House Formatter already do this.

Antenna House Formatter:

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 11:09:26 UTC