[css-variables] and [css-colors]

I have a small question about the interaction between the <color> type and 
[css-variables]. Are we allowed to use variables inside color notations (I’m 
using the notations of latest [css-variables] Editor’s draft here) ?

    $r: 100;     $g: 10;     $b: 1;     $a: 0.1;
    background: rbga($r,$g,$b,$a);

I think we should modify the way rbg() and rgba() are defined in CSS Colors 
Module Level 4 to be :

    <color>   +=   “rbg(” <integer> “,” <integer> “,” <integer> “)”
    <color>   +=   “rbga(” <integer> “,” <integer> “,” <integer> “,” 
<alphavalue> “)”

This would make it clear you can use [css-variables] inside them, and you 
could also use calc() which would be very nice if you want my point of view, 
especially in conjunction with [css-variables].


Received on Saturday, 16 June 2012 11:32:04 UTC