Re: CSS + Shadow DOM = <3 + more

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:02 PM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> [disclaimer: I'm not a member of the CSS working group, just a mailing list
> participant]
> Not sure about about ':host' vs '@host' but I think /select/ is not a great
> use of reference combinators. Reference combinators are specified to be
> linked to an attribute which refer to an element by its name or ID. Wouldn't
> an alternative like

That's not necessarily true.  All current HTML elements that the
reference combinator applies to use an IDREF, but a selector can be
viewed as an extrapolation of this.  Disregarding this difference, the
use of /select/ is identical in semantics to using /for/ on <label>.

The use of the reference combinator for both idrefs and selectors is
potentially problematic in general, since the two can't be
distinguished except by knowing the language in question, and an idref
looks like a type selector (and vice versa) so interpreting it in the
wrong way gives bad results.

However, that's probably not a huge deal - we can make this
language-dependent, and simply specify one or the other behavior as
the default.


Received on Friday, 15 June 2012 19:11:49 UTC